Sunday, June 10, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Slams a Rental Porsche into a Semi-Truck

lindsay lohan slams a rental porsche into a semi-truck picture

It’s time for TopSpeed: Celebrity Edition! Per a report from TMZ, oft-troubled actress, Lindsay Lohan, learned that an 18-wheeler always wins against a Porsche 911. While driving down the Pacific Coast Highway in Santa Monica, Lohan managed to plant the front end of her rented – yes, RENTED – Porsche 911 into the backside of an 18-wheeler.
Don’t worry, your favorite teen star gone awry is A-okay, as she went to the hospital for tests and was released shortly afterward. According to reports, she heading to the set of the TV show she is surprisingly starring in, “Liz & Dick,” when she smashed the Porsche into small bits of $100K plastic, metal, and rubber, and she is now on the set and in good health.
According to reports, Lohan is claiming that the accident was not her fault and that the 18-wheeler cut her off. Looking at the accident scene, we really don’t see how an 18-wheeler could possibly cut someone off and not leave enough time for the driver to respond. Unless, of course, she was driving really, really, REALLY fast. But, we’re not here to judge, we are simply stating what we can see from the images. We are certain that this is not the last we will hear about this accident.
We are all glad to hear she is in good shape, so we can all continue on our normal path of ignoring any piece of work that she happens to be in…

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