Friday, May 27, 2011

McLaren crashes MP4-12C at the Ring while attempting record lap

mclaren crashes mp4-12c at the ring while attempting record lap picture

You can’t say that the people over at McLaren aren’t busting their chops in trying to achieve a record-breaking run, can you? Whether or not the Woking, England-based automaker was attempting to do a hot lap with the MP4-12C at the Nurburgiring to determine the car’s full capacity, one thing we do know is that at some point, every automaker that has had aspirations of holding the fastest lap time at the ’Ring and McLaren is no exception.

So when word came out that McLaren ended up crashing an MP4-12C at the Nurburgring as part of their ’final testing’, a lot of curious eyebrows were raised, particularly on whether this testing included an attempt in breaking the fastest lap time at the world-famous race track.
According to witnesses, the crash caused a large impact that brought about significant damage to the guard rail, as well as causing a massive amount of fuel spillage on the stretch of the race track where the accident happened. As a result of the crash, the public session that was supposed to follow the private session ended up getting delayed because of what was deemed a ’roadworks zone’ on that part of the track.

McLaren, of course, has neither confirmed or denied this report, opting to contain the situation by keeping mum on the matter. With all the witnesses and reports coming around, though, it looks as if a final prototype of the MP4-12C was indeed involved in some kind of accident. Whether it was during an attempt at the ’Ring record is another matter, but it’s still probably best for these chaps to drive their cars with proper caution next time.

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