Thursday, April 28, 2011

Jet Engine Powered School Bus 350 mph

What better way to show up on the first day than on a bus with fire coming out of the back? This may not be the safest way to travel, but it does make the school bus journey be fun again while eliminating the torturous normal journey that it usually is.
Paul Stender and IndyBoys Inc created this fire-shooting school bus and it packs a whopping 42,000 horsepower from its GE J-79 jet engine that is used on F4 Phantoms. Sadly, the bus did lose some of its hauling capacity, as only three people can sit inside. Not to mention it shoots 75-foot flames out of the back.
According to the IndyBoys website, the bus was able to hit 350 miles per hour, but we can’t imagine anybody would be willing to actually hit that sort of speed.
The Telegraph quoted Stender as he explained the reason for the bus. "I built the bus for two reasons. The first is to entertain people because, come on; it’s a jet bus. The second is to keep kids off drugs. Jets are hot, drugs are not."

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